Various Books – The Land that Yet Remains All Series All Series Joshua 13 The Land that yet remains Pt 1 3 January 2016Sunday MorningOliver GrossJoshua 13:1-33Various Books - The Land that Yet Remains John 4 1-42 The Land that yet remains Pt 2 10 January 2016Sunday MorningOliver GrossJohn 4:1-42Various Books - The Land that Yet Remains 2 Peter 1 vs 1-11 The Land that yet remains Pt3 17 January 2016Sunday MorningOliver Gross2 Peter 1:1-11Various Books - The Land that Yet Remains Revelation 22 The Land that yet remains Pt4 24 January 2016Sunday MorningOliver GrossRevelation 22:1-21Various Books - The Land that Yet Remains