We are a friendly, warm-hearted, independent evangelical baptist church in Clifton, Bristol. Our services are regularly attended by people of all ages and different nationalities, and we operate various ministries, including children’s works and evangelism. Please see What’s On to find out more!

Our church is led, under God, by our elders, Pastor Oliver Gross and John Norris, who are supported by our deacons. Read more about the elders and deacons of our church below.

  • Oliver Gross


    Oliver and his wife Naomi moved to Bristol at the end of 2015, upon his taking up the role of …

    Oliver Gross


    Oliver and his wife Naomi moved to Bristol at the end of 2015, upon his taking up the role of the pastorate at Buckingham. Oliver trained for the ministry at London Theological Seminary (2003-05) before serving as an assistant pastor and pastor in churches in England and Wales. As our pastor, Oliver is responsible for preaching and pastoral visiting, and he takes a lead on evangelism and outreach. He is eager to support the church’s various ministries, several of which Naomi is actively involved with.

  • John Norris

    Elder, Church Secretary

    John has overall responsibility for the children’s and youth ministries of the church, including being the ministry leader of …

    John Norris

    Elder, Church Secretary

    John has overall responsibility for the children’s and youth ministries of the church, including being the ministry leader of the Sunday School and Young Adults’ Bible Studies. John and his wife Ros work together in a number of these activities, including being involved in the work with the Romanian Gypsy community. John is also a trustee of Evangelical Press Missionary Trust and has oversight of its Russian language work.

    John has been a Church Officer for many years, becoming the Church Secretary in 2014 and was appointed as an elder in January 2017. As an elder, John shares the pastoral oversight of the Church with Oliver, as well as being involved with various forms of teaching and preaching.

  • Simon Benham

    Deacon, Church Treasurer

    Simon has been the Church Treasurer since 2019 and is the leader of the “Lighthouse” youth group as well as …

    Simon Benham

    Deacon, Church Treasurer

    Simon has been the Church Treasurer since 2019 and is the leader of the “Lighthouse” youth group as well as being involved in a number of other activities together with his wife, Sandy, who also runs the Tiger Tots toddlers’ group and is a Sunday School teacher.

  • Jonathan Lewis

    Deacon, Missionary Secretary

    Jonathan and his wife Christine are involved in several church ministries. As a deacon, Jonathan is responsible for leading the …

    Jonathan Lewis

    Deacon, Missionary Secretary

    Jonathan and his wife Christine are involved in several church ministries. As a deacon, Jonathan is responsible for leading the church’s interest in overseas missionary activity. Christine is the leader of the ladies’ meeting.

  • James Martin


    James is involved in a number of the church’s ministries, including working with the Romanian Gypsy children. He coordinates …

    James Martin


    James is involved in a number of the church’s ministries, including working with the Romanian Gypsy children. He coordinates church events such as the annual Church Holiday, along with many other administrative tasks with the help of his wife Rebekah.

  • Alan Collins


    Alan is responsible for the practical maintenance of the church building and premises and is involved with both the church …

    Alan Collins


    Alan is responsible for the practical maintenance of the church building and premises and is involved with both the church multimedia and catering for church hospitality events with his wife, Lucy.