Wednesdays, 7.30-9pm

Held in the Lecture Hall at Buckingham Chapel. Please enter via the red side door towards the back of the building on its left-hand side.

This meeting involves a Bible study and a time of prayer. Prayer is fundamental to all Christian activities and central to the life of any genuine church.

It offers the Christian not only the opportunity to praise God but is an expression of our conscious dependence upon Him and a time to enjoy a sense of His presence.

For those unable to attend in person, there is an opportunity to join online. Please contact us for online access, if required.

All are welcome to join us!

Monthly Prayer Meeting

We meet on the first Friday of each month for a time that is specifically devoted to prayer, after a short devotional Bible study. For those unable to attend in person, there is an opportunity to join online. Please contact us for online access, if required.