Alan is responsible for the practical maintenance of the church building and premises and is involved with both the church multimedia and catering for church hospitality events with his wife, Lucy.
James Martin
DeaconJames is involved in a number of the church’s ministries, including working with the Romanian Gypsy children. He coordinates …
John Norris
Elder, Church SecretaryJohn has overall responsibility for the children’s and youth ministries of the church, including being the ministry leader of …
Jonathan Lewis
Deacon, Missionary SecretaryJonathan and his wife Christine are involved in several church ministries. As a deacon, Jonathan is responsible for leading the …
Oliver Gross
PastorOliver and his wife Naomi moved to Bristol at the end of 2015, upon his taking up the role of …
Simon Benham
Deacon, Church TreasurerSimon has been the Church Treasurer since 2019 and is the leader of the “Lighthouse” youth group as well as …